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Who is John of God?
John of God is a full trance medium, who allows a specific group of highly evolved spirits or "entities" to take over his body and perform miraculous healings while he is completely unconscious of what of happening. These healings can and do occur on any or all levels - whether spiritual, mental, emotional or physical. Dom don ignacio de loyola, or Saint Ignatius of Loyola, is the patron spirit or "entity" who directs this healing work from the spiritual dimensions. Through John of God, literally millions of people have come and received healings of one kind or another over the past 30 years. An important foundation of John of God's spiritual philosophy comes from the gospel as he stresses the importance of forgiveness and Christ's message ; " My commandment is this: Love one another as I love you."

Who are the spirit guides or "entities" that work through John Of God?
There are 33 known Entities who work through Medium Joćo. Many other Entities have chosen not to reveal their identity but are frequent visitors nonetheless. During incorporation, the Entity carries with him his own personality from the past life and is recognized in Joćo's mannerisms and behavior. Sometimes Joćo in-Entity will discard his glasses and scientists have recorded that the colors of his eyes change to match the color that the particular Entity had when alive. Patients receiving healing energy from the Entities will often be moved to tears. Dom Inįcio de Loyola 1491-1556 - St. Ignatius of Loyola is the principle Entity after whom the Casa is named. When Joćo incorporates the entity of Dom Inįcio many miracles happen. He works calmly for many hours, a testimony of his unlimited compassion, kindness and patience. "For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who disbelieve, no amount of proof is sufficient." - St. Ignatius of Loyola. Dr Augusto de Almeida is one of the most frequent Entities at the Casa de Dom Inįcio. He is reported to have been in the military, a rubber tapper and a doctor in previous incarnations. When Dr Augusto incorporates he is recognized for his strong personality and his somewhat authoritarian manner. He is known to be extremely kind and is deeply loved by all. "My phalange comprises not of ten, nor a hundred but thousands of Helping Spirits. I am the one who reaches to the very depths of the abyss to save a soul." - Dr. Augusto de Almeida. Dr Oswaldo Cruz 1872 - 1917. Medical doctor, founder of Medicina Experimental Brasileira, is credited for eradicating the yellow fever epidemic in Brazil. He is a direct and forthright in his interactions while at the same time extremely kind, and compassionate. He has the most beautiful eyes, which seemingly pour out unconditional love to all in his view - a very powerful and moving experience. He will often request that wristwatches be removed as it disturbs his current. There is a photograph in the surgery room of the Casa where one can see another entity, Dr. Jose Valdivino, so fully incorporated that Joćo's physical body is almost completely replaced by Dr. José Valdivino. Very little is known about this Entity who when asked replied simply that he was a protector of families. During his healings he is extremely gentle, compassionate and loving. He possesses energy that is especially powerful for curing paraplegics. With a touch of his hand and a command for them to walk, or move the afflicted limb, many miraculous healings have been recorded.

What is the Casa de Dom Inacio?
The "Casa de Dom Inacio ", in Abadiania, Brazil is a world-renowned healing center. Casa de Dom Inacio is a spiritual hospital where Joćo Teixeira de Faria, known as Joćo de Deus or in English, John of God, does his miraculous healing work. John of God has helped millions of people in his lifetime with his spiritual healing mission, and continues to selflessly help thousands  more people every week at the "Casa" and now at settings throughout the world. 

Our Casa de Dom Inacio Crystal Bed
At the Casa, the Entities often prescribe crystal light therapy. Providing an original Casa crystal bed outside of the confines of the Casa - with the specific recommendation and connection with the Entities - brings the energy and healing vibration of the Casa to you. John of God personally guarantees the energy of the Crystal Bed and thinks of them as his children. Because space and time are an illusion, the entities are able to be present here and work directly with those who seek their healing and guidance through the crystal bed. It is a special privilege for us to be able to serve you in this unique way, where you can receive the energy generated from this powerful healing tool without having traveling to Brazil.

Important note:
When you walk before John of God during his "incorporation" by the entities for a healing, he either prescribes: visible or invisible surgery, sitting in the Current (meditation) Room, taking Herbs, receiving a Crystal Healing Bath, or receiving a cleansing under the Sacred waterfall. For more information about John Of God, click here >>

The Crystal Light Bed Therapy is a complementary medicine and should not be instead of conventional medical treatment!

Sessions are by APPOINTMENT ONLY!  |  Contact Sarit via email: crystalbedwayne@gmail.com

You can print the DISCLOSURE form, sign it and bring it with you at the time of the appointment.

If you want to know more about John Of God:

“O” Oprah magazine:

John Of God official site:

The movie Healing about John Of God:






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